Can marital disharmony be predicted from the horoscope? Which planet indicates quarrelsome spouse?
In astrology 7th house rules Marriage/spouse, 2nd house rules family life, 4th house general happiness and 12th house refers conjugal life. Following are the some of the combination(but not limited to) for discontent married life,
- When 7th lord is debilitated or 7th house is occupied by debilitated planet with low shadbala then native will have discontent in married life.
- 7th house occupied by top rated malefics like Mars, Saturn, Rahu/Ketu will give quarrelsome unless the planet is exalted, gets benefic aspection or gets very good shadbala.
- 2nd lord debilitated and afflicted by top rated malefics will give fights and misunderstanding in family life.
- 4th house or 4th lord afflicted by malefics will give mental restless and devoid of happiness from family life and relatives.
- 12th lord debilitated and afflicted by malefics will give conjugal discontent, if too much affliction then extra marital relationship can be predicted.
- 7th lord occupying 6th or 8th house with affliction from 2nd & 12th lord and other malefics will give separation from spouse. If the affliction in minor then temporary separation, but if the affliction severe and corresponding dasha bukti runs long then permanent separation can be predicted.
- The Kalatra karaka Venus afflicted by Mars, Saturn and Rahu without any benefic aspection will give quarrelsome spouse. If Jupiter is well placed and powerfully aspects any of the above mentioned combination then native will have only temporary conflicts and they will get along well in long term.