How could you find Parijata yoga in one's horoscope?
Parijatha yoga definition might be quite confusing. Let me try to simplify it here.
- First, find the sign in which ascendant lord occupies. Let us say this as sign 1(S1).
- Find the lord of S1.
- Check the position occupied by the lord of S1. Let us say this as S2.
- Now S1 and S2 should be Kendra or Trine to each other or S2 should be own or exaltation house.
Let us understand with an example,
Assume ascendant is Aries, its lord is Mars occupies Virgo.
- Since Lagna lord Mars occupies Virgo, S1 is Virgo.
- Lord of S1 is Mercury.
- Now, if Mercury occupies Kendra from Mars or Trine from Mars or Mercury occupies own or exalted house then Parijatha yoga is formed. ie: If Mercury occupies Virgo or Sagittarius or Capricorn or Pisces or Taurus or Gemini then Parijatha yoga will form in this example. Parijatha yoga is considered one of the powerful Raja yoga, as per definition it will make someone king or equivalent. Applying to a modern context, one may become a minister or head of big corporations with this yoga.