Is it possible to know the timings of getting a job through astrology? How?
In astrology 10th house rules profession, 9th house rules Bhagya, 2nd house rules source of income and 11th house gains. So when dasha or bukti of any of the above said house runs for the native then native will most likely get the new job or position. Some of few key identifiers are below,
- Dasha or bukti of planet in 10th house or lord of 10th house or planets associated with 10th lord will give indication of new job or job change. Gaining new position or reputation.
- Dasha or bukti of planet in 9th house or lord of 9th house or planets associated with 9th lord will auspicious event in life. It can be new job, marriage or other some other auspicious event
- Dasha or bukti of planet in 2th house or lord of 2nd house or planets associated with 2nd lord will give new source of income, it can through new business or promotion in a job or acquiring new materials.
- Dasha or bukti of planet in 11th house or lord of 11th house or planets associated with 11th lord will give gains, it could be gains through business or through some other means.
- 4th house rules general happiness and conveyance. So dasha or bukti of well placed 4th lord or planet associate with 4th house will also give new conveyance(either through job or by other means)
- 5th house(8th house from 10th house) indicates break in career, so dasha or bukti 5th lord or planets influencing 5th house may bring break in existing job and if 10th lord is well placed then it will create new opportunity.