What is Panch Mahapurusha yoga in a horoscope?
Five planets viz Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Saturn and Mars when occupies Kendra which should be Own house or exaltation house causes Panchamahapurusha Yoga. Very rarely a person can have all five planets in Kendra. Some people will have two or three mahapursha Yoga based on the planets in Kendra
Hamsa Yoga: When Jupiter occupies Kendra which should be Own house or exalted house, then Hamsa Yoga is caused. Jupiter is considered most divine planet. Person with Hamsa Yoga will be righteous and pure in mind. The strength of Yoga depends on Lagna and Kendra in which Jupiter is placed. 10th kendra is more powerful then 1st Kendra.
Malavya Yoga: When Venus occupies Kendra which should be Own house or exalted house, then Malavya Yoga is caused. Venus is the planet of fine arts, sensual pleasure and Materiel wealth. Person with Malavya yoga will be very well learned in arts, will possess all materialistic comfort, happy with wife and children.
Sasa Yoga: When Saturn occupies Kendra which should be Own house or exalted house, then Sasa Yoga is caused. As per vedic definition Sasa Yoga give the native extreme power like a ruler, to apply to the modern context the native will be head of small or medium organization based on other Yoga factors in the horoscope.
The result will vary according functional malefic or benefic. For example for Taurus Lagna Saturn occupying 10th house will create Sasa yoga. In this case Saturn becomes Yogakaraka and hence result will be extremely benefic. The next important factor is dasha bukti, if the Saturn dasha bukti comes in middle life then Yoga will be enjoyed by the native to full extend. Otherwise some benefic result will be seen during buktis
Since Sasa yoga is caused by Saturn which is natural malefic, this Yoga also indicates questionable character of the native. But in case in Moon is well placed without any affliction then native will be noble and enjoy the benefit of Sasa yoga.
Ruchaka Yoga: When Mars occupies Kendra which should be Own house or exalted house, then Ruchaka Yoga is caused. Mars is the indicator of commanding, strong physique. A person with Ruchaka yoga will be head of army, strong body, well built physique
Bhadra Yoga: When Mercury occupies Kendra which should be Own house or exalted house, then Bhadra Yoga is caused. Mercury is the planet for intelligence. A person with Bhadra Yoga will be well learned and noble.
All these Yoga will produce result according to the strength of Lagna and the planet involved with other malefic and benefic aspection and conjunction.