How does an astrologer judge whether a chart is strong or weak other than having good yogas?

Yes, I personally do that analysis as a first step. Judging the foundation of the horoscope is very important to access the overall strength of the horoscope. All yogas will work to the extent in which the foundation is strong. Let me give some thumb rule here,

  1. Trine(1st house, 5th house, and 9th house) are like the foundation of the horoscope. Unless the foundation is strong, a building can’t survive long. In a similar way, strong Trine lord or benefic aspection of Trine house indicate that native will have an overall good life.

  2. Kendra(1st house, 4th house, 7th house, and 10th house) are like pillars of the horoscope, Kendra occupied by benefic is considered auspicious. So benefic planet occupying or aspecting Kendra is another point to consider to see if the horoscope is strong.

  3. Lagna represents self, a strong Lagna lord itself is a clear indication that native will come up in life without much odds. Dusthana houses(6th house, 8th house, and 12th house) without any planet itself is a good sign. There is a popular saying that “Without illness is the greatest wealth”. So 6th house(represents disease) free from affliction is much better than having Dhana Yoga and afflicted 6th house.

  4. Last but not least dasha bukti, even if some of the planets are afflicted and the corresponding dasha doesn’t come for the native then native will not see much impact of bad dasha. On other hands if one planet(say Venus) is much afflicted and comes in middle life(say for 20 years) then most of the time in precious age will be difficult.

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