What is 7th house?

The 7th house in Astrology holds the Status of one the most important houses in Astrology.

I personally say it “The Door of Happiness”.

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Let me explain why, Renowned work Phaladeepika says Happiness can be seen from 10th house and 7th house.

There are basic informations and understandings around this house as :- This house is mainly linked with partner, Life partner or Spouse, Marriage and partnership.

But as per my humble understanding of Indian astrology I have always found that there are more deeper and underlying meanings to it.

It is a saying amongst astrologers who link this subject with spirituality is that :- Our Soul enters this world through 7th house and sits in 1st house (then we are born). Our Soul even leave this world through 7th house.

Essentially in Astrology,

7th house says how we see this world and how we deal with this word. So this way this further give us an idea of our interactions with this world and also the people we deal with. It is said that the world is a Mirror of our own selves. The way we treat the world, the same treatment we get.

The Spouse and 7th house

The major subject of 7th house in Astrology is Spouse or Life partner. A strong and well conditioned 7th house in any ones birth chart truly indicates Good marriage and a blissful life partner.

People often say, Who you are thats what you get. I have read Astrologers saying that, your Life partner is just a deep inner reflection of your self. And this is very true.

Partnerships are very important areas of our life and the 7th house rules it. Partnerships bring many many things in Life, like Happiness, Growth and mutual nurturing between partners, children and so on. Although there are always downsides too.

Now some important points

  1. 7th house rules happiness from Marriage.
  2. Business or Marriage like partner ships.
  3. Your Spouse (your life partner)
  4. Signifies Sukh or Peaceful Bliss (Since it is 4th place from 4th house)
  5. Signifies cause of success (Since it is 10th place from 10th house)
  6. Give information about success in partnership.
  7. Says about your general tuning with people around.
Last updated on 3rd November 2020 by Nachiket

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