What is the position of Mars to consider manglik?
In astrology Mars is considered natural malefic and it denote hot constitution. 7th house represents marriage/spouse, 8th house represents longevity of spouse(2nd house from 7th house), 4th house represents general conveyance and comforts, and 12th house represents conjugal life. So when Mars occupies 4th house, 7th house, 8th house or 12th house then it is considered manglik.
Having said that the placement of Mars in all these houses are not considered same, a general thumb rule below
- When Mars occupies 7th house or 8th house then it considered 70–100% Manglik based on the strength of Mars. For example when Mars gets exalted in 7th house then it is considered 70% Manglik against when its get debilitated considered 100% Manglik.
- When Mars occupies 4th house or 12th house then it is considered 20–40% Manglik. Here again according to strength of the Mars the % will be decided.
Manglik is overrated in modern world. This should be considered as just one factor during marriage. There are so many factors that needs to be considered while matching two horoscope which I have explained in my blog post[1]. So when all other factors are very good then Manglik can be conditionally approved, but this should be analyzed by skilled astrologer carefully case by case.