Which planetary combination in a woman's birth chart denotes a handsome husband?

In astrology 7th house rules spouse, the planet Jupiter gives Magnetic personality, Venus rules beautiful skin texture, well placed Moon will give pleasing appearance.

  1. When 7th house happens to be Taurus or Libra both ruled by Venus with with benefic aspection will give handsome spouse.
  2. When 7th house happens to Sagittarius or Pisces with Venus(exalted in Pisces) will give handsome spouse.
  3. 7th house occupies or aspected by Jupiter will give spouse of Magnetic personality.
  4. 7th house occupied by exalted Moon with conjunction or aspection from well placed Venus will give handsome spouse.
  5. Mars being fiery and Masculine planet, if well placed in 7th house with benefic aspection from Venus or Jupiter will give handsome spouse.

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