Which planetary combination in horoscope denotes one’s prosperity after marriage or because of the luck of his spouse?
Strong 5th house would indicate prosperity after marriage
In astrology, the 7th house refers to a married relationship, spouse, and quality of married life. The 11th house rules gains and profits. The 5th house is 11th house from the 7th house and hence it refers the prosperity after marriage and gains form the married life partner.
Analyzing 5th house for the prosperity after marriage
When 5th lord is well placed in Kendra or Trikona or Upachaya and if gets benefic aspection then native will gain status and reputation after marriage. When 7th lord occupies 5th house and if conjoined and aspected by 5th lord then gains after marriage is indicated.
Similarly, when 5th & 7th lord gets parivartana then native will see progressive growth after marriage. If this has some connection with 10th & 2nd lord then native will get huge success through partnership business. The 7th lord and 5th lord having a benefic connection with 4th lord or Venus then the native will acquire multiple immovable properties after marriage.
The Role of Dasha bukti
The dasha bukti in the native horoscope is very important to yield the above mentioned positive results. The dasha/sub-period of 5th, 7th and 11th lord will decide which period of the time the native will gain reputation and status after marriage.