How Planets vibes (or feels) with each other in Astrology? (Graha Sambandha)

There are Groups of planets which go good with each other and then there are planets which shows clashes.

How to understand Mutual Relationship between Planets?

According to Satyacharya, the lord of the Rasis (Signs) falling in the 2nd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th and 12th from the Mulatrikona of a Graha (Planet) are friendly to that Graha.

What is 7th house?

The 7th house in Astrology holds the Status of one the most important houses in Astrology. I personally say it “The Door of Happiness”.

What is difference between Chalit chart and Kundli chart?

The main difference between Chalit kundli and Janam kundli or what we normally refer to as kundli is that : Chalit is the house reference for that planet and Kundli chart is the sign reference of the planet.